Quoted directly from 360elite4free.com : In exchange for users registering with an advertiser (also referred to as "completing an offer"), we are compensated for sending advertisers new customers. We then offer you the free gift from a portion of our compensation as a Thank you for using our site. So, basically they make enough money from advertising their sponsors that they are able to reward their users provided they've earned enough points from offers or have reffered enough users to their website. If thats not clear enough of an explnation then checkout the video below, it features an interview with the CEO of the
company on G4.
Note: You will not require a credit card for the following steps it is (optional). Steps to getting a Free Xbox 360 Elite: Step 1. First click on this LINK to go to the website.Step 2. Next, choose the reward you want and enter your e-mail in the blue sign-up box. Don't worry about spam 360Elite4free.com will NEVER sell, rent, or lease your personal information to any third parties. Step 3. It'll send an email to validate your account and then display a page where you'll have to enter your personal information. It will not require a credit card and has to be legit if you want to get an Xbox 360.Step 4. It will then ask you what type of account you wish to create, you will be presented with the options of choosing a Points account or a Referral account . Most commonly people will choose to create a Referral account over a Points account because its easier to get refferals than it is getting points. Example: For an Xbox 360 Elite it requires that you reffer 8 people for a Referral account versus 840 points if you were to choose a Points account . An offer only gives you anywhere between 18-50 point upon completion and you gain 50 points per person you reffer. Technically if you do the math getting points is slower and costs more money. While with a Referral account you only have to do 1 A offer and reffer 8 people.Step 5. The next step will require you to complete 1 A offer or the equivalent of 50 points in B offers. Some offers particularly the cell phone offers won't require a credit card but other offers suchs as the ones that credit instantly will. If for any reason you don't have or don't wanna use your credit card you can buy a Visa Giftcard instead at Walmart or your local drugstore and use it instead.(doesn't require for you to be a certain age ;P) Note:You can get 50 point without a credit card, see list of offers below. I would highly recommend choosing any of the following offers:-Offers that don't require a credit card: 1. Fly Cell (Level B, 26pts) - Requires a cell phone. Credits the next day. 2. Jamster (Level B, 18pts) - Requires a cell phone. Credits the next day. 3. Ish Ringtones (Level B, 18pts) - Requires a cell phone. Credits next day. -Offers that require a credit card: 1. GameFly - $9.95 Trial. Credits Instantly. 2. Amazing WebStores - $1.95 Trial. Credits Instantly. 3. Yahoo Success Center - Costs $1.95. Credits Instantly. 4. eAuction Tutor - Costs $1.95. Credits Instantly. 5. Video Professor - Free Trial. 6. Blockbuster - $9.99 trial. Credits Instantly. Step 6. Now all thats left is getting referrals. You can ask friends and family to sign up under you by going to your referral link, which you can find on your progress page.Note: Friends and family must sign-up on different computers. In order to gain refs faster you can advertise your ref link on your forum signature, Youtube, MySpace T.V., Blogs, and you can also get refs from websites such as GetRef.com . Web Stats